Monday, February 19, 2007


Layers & Threads

Here is the latest update on where we’re at with the South Asian Ambassador Exhibition.

The exhibition officially opens on Thursday 5 April. We will also hold the Private view on that evening.
Please whatever you do, even if you are not exhibiting any work, do make yourself available for the private view.

On April 3 and April 4 we will be getting the work into the gallery and there might be a possibility of a group workshop (to create a display on the walls) on either or both of these days – so again, please keep them free if you can!

The date for submissions of work is Monday 12. So far we know that Jigna, Tania, Nasreen and Nadia are definitely creating works for the exhibition. Please contact me and Bula as soon as possible with your brief, outlining the plan for your work and the medium you will be using.

Akber, Pritti, Nihar, Berni and Moksha - it would be superb if you would also like to contribute some work – if you would like to add ideas or develop an idea with myself, Bula or any of the other ambassadors just shout! Remember, it is your exhibition so now is the chance!

The official title of the exhibition will be Layers & Threads and this is intended as something of a metaphor for describing the complexity of local South Asian culture, in terms of ‘layers’ of influences (i.e. both western and eastern) and ‘threads’ of culture that remain constant despite change.

A very short listing (due to a new style brochure) will appear in April’s Clocktower brochure.

We have permission to display the 2 original works by Tagore (we will get special insurance for the exhibition in this case and there will be some restrictions in terms of lighting levels in the gallery). This will mean that the exhibition instantly has appeal to people that know his work and it might be an idea to think about how we might involve the Bangladeshi community in this exhibition? Could we invite a group of Bangladeshi’s of all different age groups to an art workshop where they create something for the exhibition in response to the 2 works by Tagore?

Worried that there won’t be enough submissions, but also as a means of drumming up more interest and making new contacts, I have sent an advert to the local press looking for interested people. On Wednesday and Friday this week it will appear in the Croydon Post and The Croydon Advertiser respectively. This advert is attached to the email if you want a look.

Please send your brief as soon as possible to me and Bula who is curating the exhibition (her email address is

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